Símbolo Nueva Era

Enlightened Goodwill


  1. Benevolence is a disposition to do good.

  2. Goodwill is benevolence among equals.

    2.1 Goodwill is not condescension to an overpowered inferior.

    2.2 Goodwill is not passive submission to an oppressive superior.

  3. The disposition to do good may be related to gravitational fields in space.*

  4. Bigger and smaller gravitational fields may harmoniously relate, as in the solar system, a true and natural hierarchy of correct relations.

  5. Light is an electro-magnetic radiation qualitatively different from a gravitational field.

  6. Darkness is the absence of light and its means of contrast.

    6.1 Darkness cannot be overcome by non-discerning units of goodwill.

    6.2 Only a discerning beam of coherent light can collectively overcome darkness.

  7. An Enlightened Goodwill must counter the lower fire of falsehood with the higher Fire of Truth.

    7.1 Do not submit to darkness!

    7.2 Resist! Resist! Resist!

    7.3 FIAT LUX to all servants of Darkness!

* Gravitation does relate to light. Black holes, regions of space having a gravitational field so intense that no matter or radiation can escape, are a source of decaying darkness, a sort of "fatal attractions." Goodwill is a different kind of attraction. Goodwill is a benevolent attraction, a subtle force that convinces without binding, and that may appeal even without convincing, as the planets do dancing around the sun.

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Date:  2017.01.25

Editor:  José Becerra
Anagrama VBA