Synthesis, Agni Yoga and the Christ

By Duane Carpenter

Dear Jose,

Thank you for sending me information on this new book by Vicente Beltran Anglada now published in English for the first time. There is a small but growing group of initiates and disciples at this time historically who are attempting to understand what true Agni Yoga may actually be and how it relates to the externalization of the Hierarchy, the Reappearance of the Christ and what these new third phase teachings may actually look like. It has become apparent to me that some of these advanced teachings are filtering through all areas of the occult sciences and not just esoteric astrology which we know is the most ancient of all the occult and esoteric sciences. To show the complexity of the subject DK has also stated.

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New Book on the Intuition and Yoga

The intuitive sense is a crucial element in the skill set of visionary leaders. A natural talent for some, the intuitive sense can be developed through the practice of the fiery Yoga of Synthesis, also known as Agni Yoga.

Visionaries can glimpse the future because they can discard old models and adapt their vision according to new paradigms. The Promethean Fire of the Mind can melt old structures of thought in order to imagine more organically synthetic paradigms of reality. This synthesis is not the analytical outcome of the logical mind but the product of the trans-rational mind contemplating life as a sequence of symbols and their metamorphoses.

The practice of mindfulness is based on the constant presence of mind traceable to the tenets of Agni Yoga. These are: profound attentiveness, serene expectancy and perfect adaptability. When life is approached as a constant study and contemplation of archetypal symbols, whose meanings are to be revealed in all of life events and circumstances, the intuitive sense is unleashed and developed, not as an irrational regression to a naive worldview, but as a trans-rational “re-enchantment” of life itself, so much needed in our current post-modernly deconstructed world.

How to develop the intuition, from unreliable “gut feelings” and feeble hunches, to a stable and full expression of our innate capacity to speak the “language of the heart,” the grammar of symbols, is the subject of an introductory guide to Agni Yoga originally written by Vicente Beltrán-Anglada (1915-1988).

Introduction to Agni Yoga

I hope that this first English translation, edited and enhanced with illustrated appendices, may be as useful to others as it has been for me to complete and publish.

José Becerra

Dear All:

The first English translation of Vicente Beltrán-Anglada’s Introduction to Agni Yoga, translated and edited by José Becerra, has been completed. The paperback is now available on Amazon.

(Kindle edition forthcoming)

“It sounds like a redundancy to speak of union through synthesis, but it is not so. It is union through identification with the whole — not union through realization or through vision. Mark well this distinction, for it holds the secret of the next step for the personalities of the race. The Bhagavad Gita gives us primarily the key to the yoga of devotion. Patanjali teaches us the yoga of the mind. In the Gospel story we have the portrayal of realization, but the key or the secret of identification is still withheld. It lies in the custody of a few in this integrating group of mystics and knowers and will be brought out into manifestation in the furnace of their own experience and thus given to the world. But the time is not yet. The group must grow in strength and knowledge and in intuitive perception.” – ATreatise on White Magic by Alice A. Bailey (p. 429)

This Full Moon period in the sign of Leo may be a good time to ponder on “the key or secret of IDENTIFICATION.” Leo’s keynote, I Am THAT I Am, may prove useful in approaching the new Yoga of SYNTHESIS, Agni Yoga. The Tibetan Master has associated the revelatory Practice of the PRESENCE, or Agni Yoga, with the technique to dispel illusion by the development of the intuitive sense.

“In the (Roerich) book Agni Yoga, some of the teaching to be given has filtered through but only from the angle of the will aspect. No book has as yet made its appearance which gives in any form whatsoever the Yoga of Synthesis.” (ibid)

We invite the English-speaking esoteric community to read and study this new book introducing the Fiery Yoga of Synthesis from a Second Ray perspective. Beltrán-Anglada was an accepted disciple in training for the third initiation of Transfiguration. His Master asked him to draft and publish an introductory guide on Agni Yoga from the teachings received in the Ashram. The first Spanish edition of this book was published in 1981.

Vicente Beltrán-Anglada’s work represents the first time that the spiritual Hierarchy has authorized the original use of the Spanish language to publish its teachings. The writings of H. P. Blavatsky and A. A. Bailey were originally published in English. H. Roerich’s work was originally published in the Russian language. Beltrán-Anglada was preceded by the Spaniard Francisco Brualla, who moved to Argentina to conduct his Hierarchical service. However, Brualla did not leave any public and personal testimony of his accepted discipleship experience. That responsibility corresponded to, and was accomplished by, Vicente Beltrán-Anglada.

As a witness of the Light and in the service of the Plan,

José Becerra

PS: The Fifth Addendum

Roerich’s Agni Yoga (Revised)

The purpose of this fifth addendum to the recently published translation of Vicente Beltrán Anglada’s Introduction to Agni Yoga is twofold. First, to provide a curated compilation of essential elements in Helena Roerich’s Agni Yoga. Second, to assist the reader in drawing contrasts and parallels between the VBA (2nd Ray) and the HR (1st Ray) approaches to the fiery Yoga of Synthesis. Appendix B (Agni Yoga and the Practice of the Presence) already provides the reader with a similar reference in regard to Alice A. Bailey’s approach to Agni Yoga.