Proposed Five-Step Graded Curriculum

for the VBA Study Center

Tres siglas, dos en posición vertical (V y A) y una en posición horizontal (B). El trazado recto de la B sirve para demarcar dos ideogramas. [seguir enlace]


A Seed for the Future Schools of the Mysteries.

Montserrat [1]
Bells | Parenostre | Salve

Headquarters in Southern Europe.

For Students from Latin Countries
(including the Americas).

"There will be one school for the Latin countries, probably in Italy or Southern France, but much depends on the political and educational work of the next ten years." -LOM 307
(written 27 SEP 1920)

"Those who take initiation on the line of the Mahachohan, or on the third ray, will take it at the advanced occult school in Italy."  -LOM 308

"... the endeavor of all KNOWERS will be to draw within the zone of their knowledge other units who are ready for a similar expansion of consciousness. In this thought lies the key to the work of the Brotherhood.   -TCF 288-89


In Synthetic Simplicity: The Future Schools of Meditation

God --immanent and transcendent-- is FIRE. All is energy. Energy does follow thought.

There is a Purpose (animated by the Will of God). There is a Plan (of Love and Light). There is a Path (of Discipleship and Initiation) for Humanity to work out the Plan and fulfill God's Purpose.

The new Schools of the Mysteries (of Initiation) will blend the heart and the mind in service, by training the enlightened mind to transform, transmute and transfigure energy, as well as by promoting the culture of the loving heart to unfold a new synthetic sense: the intuition.

The future Schools, to be founded as part of the imminent return of the Christ  and the externalization of the planetary Hierarchy of Compassion and Wisdom, will embody a New Higher Education. They will complement the efforts of a New World Masonry and a New World Religion, in order to assist in the education and training of the forthcoming generations of earnest spiritual seekers to make Earth a Sacred Planet, an outpost of Light, Love and Power in the Universe.


VISION: Enlightened and loving people living in PEACE in a just world-- through spiritual training and education.

MISSION: To recognize and reveal God's Purpose --Planetary, Solar, Cosmic-- by unfolding the full spiritual potential of humanity.


Strategic imperatives
(to achieve its mission):

1. Service focus (on Humanity).
2. Globalization (worldwide scope).
3. Leadership (responsibility)
4. Accountability (transparency)
5. Esoteric research (observation, recognitions, revelations).
6. Collaboration with exoteric institutions of higher learning.

Graduate levels of School work

1. Trained Observers (Preparatory)
2. Telepathic Communicators (Preparatory + Advanced)
3. Knowers of the Plan (Advanced)


1975-2025: Establish seeds of the Future Schools of Meditation.

: To be determined (at the 2025 Council of Shamballa).



"The aim [of the Schools]... is the evolution of the race."
 -LOM 305


The mystic is too apt to feel that the occultist over-estimates the way of knowledge and repeats glibly that the mind is the slayer of the real and that the intellect can give him nothing. The occultist is equally apt to despise the mystical way and to regard the mystical method as "lying far behind him". But both must learn to tread the way of wisdom. The mystic must and will inevitably become the occultist and this whether he likes the process or not. He cannot escape it in the long run, but the occultist is not a true one until he recovers the mystical experience and translates it into terms of synthesis.  -TSR II, 544


Lower mind, instead of being a means to an end ... is ... a ruler and a tyrant, preventing the play of the intuition and shutting out the abstract mind.  
-LOM 300

Exoteric science will be taught and practised by proficient teachers, and the lower mind will be developed as much as possible, and kept in check by the other ten teachers who watch over the proportional development, and the aptitude for correct meditation of the student.
-LOM 316

 ... the basic instruction is meditation in all its grades. Why? Because in occult schools information, clear instructions, or a conglomerate of facts are never given, nor are the exoteric textbook methods ever employed. The whole aim is only to put the student in the way of finding out for himself the needed knowledge. How? By developing the intuition through meditation, and by the attainment of that measure of mental control that will permit the wisdom of the Triad to pour down into the physical brain, via the causal.
-LOM 313-14

Heart & MInd


The Four Fundamentals


Draft Curriculum Outline

(adapted from DK-LOM and MDR [1] )


Macrocosm & Shamballa

Microcosm &   White Magic

Art & Science of Meditation

Electives and/or Laboratories

Esoteric Sciences


Paths to Freedom


Social Studies


General Requirements:

World History & Geography; Physics, Chemistry (Biochemistry), Biology, Human Anatomy & Physiology.

Analytical, Reading & Writing Skills.

Visual Arts & Music; Mathematics & Geometry; Poetry. Astronomy & Psychology.

Mythology & Literature.

Political Sciences & Philosophy.


Introduction to the Fundamental Tenets of Esotericism and to the Planetary History.
Esoteric Constitution of the Human Being.
The Observer in  Concentration: sustained, focused attention.

Introduction to the Scientific Use of the Great
Invocation. [1]

The Language of Energy: The Science of the Seven Rays and Esoteric Astrology in Relation to Fundamentals of Esoteric Psychology.
Treading the Probationary Path, including a Preliminary Study of Maya and Glamour.
Solutions for Humanity: The Art and Science of Service.
Kingdoms of Nature and Ecology.
Manas, Causal Body, Solar Angel and Solar Fire.
Meditation and Soul infusion.
Senses: their Psychic Extensions. Lower and Higher Psychism.
The Seven Laws of the Soul and the Seven Techniques of Integration.
Treading the Path of Discipleship, including a Preliminary Study of Illusion.
New Group of World Servers (two wings) and the Seed Groups.
The Deva Hierarchy.
Magic and Practical Occultism on the Mental Plane.
Antahkarana I: Intention, Imagination, Projection.
Telepathic Impression I & II.
Three Techniques of Soul Fusion: Isolated Unity, Inclusive Reason and Presented Attributes.
Treading the Path of Initiation &  Esoteric Symbology.
Laws and Principles of the New Age.
Philosophical Cosmo-Conceptions, East and West.
Magic and Practical Occultism on the Astral Plane.
Antahkarana II: Invocation, Evocation.
Esoteric Healing I & II.
Advanced Studies in Esoteric Psychology & Astrology.
Treading the Path of GROUP Initiation: Approaching the Ashram.

Initiation as a SOCIAL Responsibility & Planetary Magic:
Dissipation of Maya, Glamour, Illusion.
Shamballa and Occult Cosmogony (Creative Hierarchies), Cosmic Triplicities, Quaternaries and Septenates.
Magic and Practical Occultism on the Ethero-Physical Plane.
Contemplation, Illumination, Inspiration.
The Intuition and Symbols.
[1 | 2]
Ceremonial Magic: Spiritual Numerals, Occult Numerology,  Esoteric Mathematics, Sound and Colour.
[1 | 2 | 3]
The Mystery of the Buddhic Plane and Agni Yoga: the Mystical Science of the Fiery Heart.
The Rays and the Initiations (continued Ashramic approach).
The Avatar of Synthesis, the United Nations and the Crisis of Ideologies.


Curriculum of the Preparatory Schools

... that curriculum deals much with the development of lower mind, with the laying of the foundations upon which to build the later work, and with the formulation, the study, and the memorising of the theories and occult laws upon which the true occultist will later base his practical work ... much that [will be] taught [will] necessarily [be] closely allied with the exoteric teaching of the world, and [will] necessitate the school being in close touch with the centres of modern thought.    - LOM 324-25


Other Study and Teaching Resources   | AAB-DK Online

Theosophical University Press Online | HPB Archives | Roerich [1]

Esoteric Journals: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

+++[ IONS ]+++

World Lecture Hall | Open Learning Initiative | Distance Education

Free University Project | Education Online | Open University

World News

Students. Main Requirements
: i) Earnest spiritual seekers (of the Truth) who meet the qualifications for post-graduate education in an academic equivalent of a combined Master-Doctorate degree program;  ii) Internet access and proficiency; iii) Regular written reports.

Faculty. Main Requirements: i) Tutors, guides and facilitators along the Path (according to the Rules of the Road) who meet the academic qualifications for post-graduate teaching and research;  ii) Internet access and proficiency; iii) Regular written reports.

Student's previous studies/experience: to be considered for advanced placement. However, the full curriculum is strongly encouraged for recapitulation purposes, as well as for learning teaching techniques of known subjects.

Faculty of the Preparatory Schools: "As their work will be largely to develop the lower mind of the pupil and to link it up with the higher consciousness, and as the focal point of their endeavour will be the rapid building-in the causal body, they will be men of erudition, and of knowledge, grounded in the knowledge of the Hall of Learning, and able to teach and to compete with the trained teachers of the world universities."
-LOM 315

Circumstances cannot be allowed to dictate policy
but there should always be opportunity for reasonable exceptions.


Service Training Activities of the Schools


Restore the Plan in the Fields of

1. Government & Politics [1]
2. Education & Healing
3. Philosophy & Ethics
4. Arts & Culture
5. Science & Technology
6. Faith & Religion  [1]
7. Economy & Finances

[Bloom's Taxonomy of the Cognitive Domain]


[Seed thoughts]

[ Castellano ]


