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Vicente Beltrán Anglada

The Hierarchy, the Solar Angels and Humanity








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“To the One I have been bonded since the beginning of time”
-Vicente Beltrán Anglada




When we are confused in the midst of everyday problems that require our increasing and immediate attention, it is very difficult to be aware of the spiritual magnetic power emanating constantly from our Solar Angel, the liberated soul whose mission it is “to embrace us with a mantle of love and sacrifice."

For a great period of time, while the historical or chronological processes of our life here on earth are taking place, our destiny has inexorably been guided by the desire for the immediate fulfillment of our passions. On some occasions, the whirlwind of human passions reached a peak, or a crossroads, beyond which we would have to face the toughest tests and a real danger of "returning to old lower values," with their sequel of defects, vices, problems and fears. In those difficult moments, a shining ray of light, containing resolve and hope, may come to our aid and fill our lives, giving us a more serene view of things and calming our minds. This light comes from our higher self, our Solar Angel. In the most critical moments of our lives, in the magical process of birth, when we leave our body at the time of death, or when we face a real and distressing problem that leaves us in great pain and deep sorrow, the Solar Angel’s serene vision and infinite love is closer than ever to us, "embracing us with a mantle of love and sacrifice." This last phrase is written with fire in the sacred books of the White Lodge, and we often repeat it to emphasize the mission of the Solar Angel in relation to our evolving soul. No other phrase  could express as clearly and simply the mission that the Solar Angels chose to undertake with regard to the human soul. Repeating this phrase becomes an uplifting mantra that can bring us somewhat closer to the unfading glory of the One who is our first and only Master as far as our conscious relationship with the Cosmos is concerned.

Solar Angels, in relation to the Hierarchy, are Masters of Compassion and Wisdom, Adepts of the Good Law; by saying this, we are only making evident the infinite purity of Their aura, the perfection of Their virtues and the indescribable power of Their love and sacrificial work with human beings.

As we understand these things we begin an intelligent relationship with the magnetic aura of the Solar Angel. The real initiatory work is to understand the infinite mystery of the Their  life, which will lead us to a deep understanding of the secret places in the soul of our Solar Logos, "embracing the entire universe with His mantle of love and sacrifice." The only mystery and the real secret of our life in connection with the Infinite Life of "our Father in Heaven" lies in the magnetic relationship we establish with our Solar Angel. A conscious encounter with the Solar Angel, even if only verified briefly or sporadically, always produces indescribable confidence and deep joy. We have, therefore, considered it appropriate to dedicate a special chapter in this book to the conscious magnetic link with the Solar Angel.

In the preceding chapter, in which the Solar Angel or Angel of the Presence’s life was described, we learned about Their solar origin, Their coming to Earth to join the evolutionary purpose of the Planetary Logos, and Their final destiny of liberation once Their mission of bringing the human kingdom (represented by the souls of all human beings), to spiritual perfection has been accomplished.

In the long interval within which the ceaseless motion of the wheel of births, deaths, and Devachanic periods take place, the story of human life on earth is configured --from the time of individualization of terrestrial humanity, to the taking of the fifth Initiation. In that moment, the soul of man (the dynamic point of monadic life), returns to its true kingdom, the fifth Kingdom of Souls or planetary Hierarchy, with all the love, knowledge and ability to sacrifice engraved on its heart by the divine intervention of the Solar Angel. Trying to explain what happens beyond that point would mean to go into the uncertain kingdom of conjecture and hypothesis of the lower mind and becoming lost in an inscrutable mystery. Nevertheless, one of the goals of man is to advance and expand constantly. Once we have reached a certain point in our spiritual life, we can get lost in the deep void of the vast and unfathomable cosmic perspective, in those indescribable avenues of light which the immortal Logos uses to travel through cyclic periods of time.

It may not seem necessary to have a direct notion of what the term "solar light" means for us in reference to our lower vehicles, our soul and the Spirit Itself. Sunlight contains a myriad of qualities and shades, which can only become clearer by a knowledge and understanding of the deva world. One of these qualities or particular solar emanations derives from the immortal phrase "mantle of love and sacrifice" and refers to a special ray that emerges from the mystical HEART of the Sun and is anchored in the Solar Angel. This energy endows the Solar Angels with special virtues that shape Their life, enabling Them to carry out the great mission of redemption of the human souls, which They voluntarily assumed. Other rays of light coming from the physical sun --in fact any form of light-- represent different aspects of the great Ray of Love of the Father of the Universe. These rays condition the regular life of the lower vehicles --physical, emotional and mental-- while other rays (which stem from the Great Central Spiritual Sun) constitute the indescribably deep life of our highest Spirit, or Monad, as mentioned in esoteric studies.

At the center of all this magical process in the life of a human being, the Solar Angel’s love and life appear as the essence which links man’s personality (which is constantly integrating his or her values with those of its "Father in Heaven”) to the highest conception of the essential Monad or Spirit.  By trying to understand this process, we begin to collaborate in the development of the task assumed by the Solar Angel  --the bonding between the human being and the Angel. When we begin to consciously use the mysterious power of the Rays (which are central to the mystical process of life), our journey down the path of immortality begins. One of the ashramic tasks that we aim to carry out is to unravel the mystery of the primary rays conditioning us, so that we will get a more accurate idea of what the Solar Angels mean in our lives, and how to establish conscious contact with Them. We will not make specific reference here to the work of the seven Rays or emanations from the Life of our Universal Logos. We will only address the three rays directly involved in man’s spiritual life, which are implicated in the relationship between the Spirit, the Solar Angel, and the human soul. In this way, our work can be more easily assimilated by spiritual aspirants at all levels.

Considering the Rays in terms of human life as we know it today, and not from the angle of their absolute wholeness, would imply to specifically speak about something immediate and accessible --the conscious contact with the Solar Angel. Once this contact has been made, the details about the human mystery of births and deaths will be understood as a reflection or projection of what occurs in the innermost life of the Creator of the Universe. When we understand the scope of this first conscious relation with our immortal Self, we are intentionally creating within ourselves the Path and the Goal, that is to say, the Searching Path and the Liberating Goal.

The key to the process depends more on our good wishes and our sincere interest in discovering what lies behind the enduring mystery of the Solar Angel, than in deep and sustained studies. Those esoteric studies, sometimes wordy and dull, regarding universal laws and processes, will be better understood if we let our own Solar Angels reveal them to us from within, through the lighted way of the antahkarana. We need to free ourselves from the influence of our intellectualizing mind, which is quite prone to error, as it is swept along the gusts coming from the emotional world and the common processes of pre-conceived notions. In fact, it is a quite simple task that everyone would immediately be able to adapt to his or her own vision or esoteric conception of things.

What we have been studying in this chapter will be of particular integrative value if our mind remains serenely expectant, as we consider the implicit values in the intimate life of the three essential components of our being. These three elements are, as we have already mentioned:

the personality, comprising the  three worlds: physical, astral and concrete mental;
the Solar Angel or higher Self,  dwelling on the causal plane, and
the Spirit or Monad, related to the spiritual world.

The relation of these elements with the main Rays of Aspect at work in our universe and in the creative Logos Himself are:

Spirit. 1st Ray. Related to the Great Central Spiritual Sun.
Solar Angel, 2nd Ray. Related to the Mystical Heart of the Sun.
Personality, 3rd Ray. Related to the emanations from the Physical Sun.

This is a very simple and limited account of very complex relations that  can be established according to the mystery of the Rays. Nevertheless, this framework can help us understand the ideas expressed in this chapter, aimed at clarifying the specific mission of the Solar Angels and the best way to contact Them.

One of the main reasons that gave rise to the Solar Angel’s bond with the human soul was the spirit of compassion that arose from deep within the Heart of the Sun, or Love Center of the God of the Universe. The sacrifice of the Solar Angels, whose essence is nirvanic and, therefore, free from karma, cannot be measured by the common reasoning faculty of our limited human mind. Nevertheless, we can get some idea of the profound implications of the triple relation that we have mentioned if we take into consideration the loving life streaming forth from the Logos when He, as stated in  the Book of the Initiates, "joyfully tore from His heart those petals of sacrifice which the Solar Angels are.”  Later on, we will develop these ideas, with additional living and intuitive elements.

Compassion is a causal virtue of the Solar Angels. As They are Adepts of the Good Law, we should consider Them as having attained the same spiritual level as the Masters or Adepts of the planetary Hierarchy, called "Masters of Compassion and Wisdom." By analogy, we can realize that the Solar Angels are consciously involved in Hierarchical tasks, and contribute with Their work to develop the Plan of the Planetary Logos. They are, therefore, conscious members of the Hierarchy. Human beings will not be able to contact the planetary Hierarchy, or any Masters of the Hierarchy, if they have not previously made conscious contact with their own Solar Angels --the blessed Being we have been intertwined through the ages.

One of the great efforts of the Hierarchy at this dawning of the Age of Aquarius (an energy that is already present in the hearts of many men and women of goodwill), is to make mankind aware of the sacred bonds that unite human beings with the Solar Angels of their  lives. In this way, the long awaited possibility of redemption of our planetary Logos, through the heart of Christ, will be made possible. All planetary events, the activity of the Hierarchy and the very purpose of Sanat Kumara, work in a synchronized way so that the redemption of the planet may take place. The most important linking factor is always the Solar Angel, esoterically called, "the Great Cosmic Intermediary.” They are the Ones who must "join Earth and Heaven" with the infinite universal laws of Love. This mission, which started millions of years ago, is currently beginning to be fulfilled in the hearts of many human beings. As the pressure of Aquarius increasingly makes impact on the Earth’s aura, a magical work of enormous proportions is expected to take place. In order to understand the coming events, our mind must substantially increase its vibratory rate.

However, those who have been mindful of recent planetary events, specifically those events related to human social life or everyday experience - rather than the more visible technical developments--, will see how a constant trend toward androgyny is slowly and progressively taking shape. An androgynous being combines both masculine and feminine traits, resulting in a more unified gender. Of course, a real androgynous race is not going to appear on Earth in the short term; we are just observing relevant symptoms of this tendency, mainly among the youth of today. Most of the egos or human souls of these young people are powerfully influenced by the emanations of the great dynamic constellation of Aquarius, which before manifesting in definite physical aspects, manifests as causal or solar tendencies. The rebellion of youth against pre-established trends, the increasingly global trend towards androgyny, the eccentricity and extravagance in the dress and behavior of our teenagers are all clear Aquarian indicators. These expressions are essentially spiritual, and this should be taken into account when we analyze the life of young people in modern times. We are still powerfully polarized (in some cases even crystallized), by Piscean influences and this is why it is so difficult for many people to accept the activities of our youth without resorting to a misguided sense of righteous indignation.

Our goal is only to clarify certain terms in relation to the Solar Angel, Whose solar life is purely "Aquarian," on account of certain karmic connections between the Logos of our Universe and the great Being Who rules the constellation Aquarius. One of the Great Cosmic forces driving planetary evolution, called the Avatar of Synthesis in our esoteric studies in the Ashram, is one of the Great Beings who assists the Christ, Lord of the Hierarchy, in the distribution of Aquarian energies. These powerful energies, which emanate from the highest aspect of the Being infusing His life into this Constellation, are distributed gently and gradually into the minds and hearts of men, as well as into the natural world.

When we speak about androgynous beings, we are referring to human beings who will appear at certain stages of planetary evolution, when Aquarius exerts its MAGICAL pressure on the planet with all its might. We are also making reference to the Solar Angel, the essential Archetype toward which all humanity is drawn. It can be appreciated that, in the end, it is always the Solar Angel who is directly involved in this daunting task of redeeming humanity, leading it to its destiny of infinite perfection.

The great expansions of the creative spirit, the endless religious manifestations, the dynamic notions of life, the spiritual evolution of all human characteristics, every quality, virtue or trend toward unification of destinies and the very development of human social consciousness…all these issues involve the work of the Solar Angels. We constantly invoke Their power every time our heart suffers or when our minds are assailed with painful questions. At the end of the magical process of human life, when all support from our reason, life and consciousness has apparently disappeared, we find the open arms of the Solar Angels, clearly showing us -with the radiance of Their aura and the living testimony of Their Presence--the path of light that the Great Ones tread in Their ceaseless journey along the indescribable and unfathomable avenues of the Absolute Cosmos. Modern spiritual aspirants, all those who feel in their hearts the impression that some immaculate and extraordinary dimensions of life exist, that there is a powerful, infinite power within their hearts, are experiencing the urgent need for conscious contact with the Angel of the Presence.

We cannot and should not offer methods of approach, disciplinary systems, or paths of perfection in reference to that particular stage of human consciousness in which the search for contact with the glorious Solar Angel begins. The consciousness of modern man in its triple aspect --spiritual, social and human-- has to become fully absorbed in his own destiny and tread the glorious path towards the light by following the guidelines of his own intuition. The intuition is related to the set of spiritual values treasured in our heart through the ages, which must be remembered rather than taught. This is a really important indicator of what the expression “serene action” can mean in the life of any aspirant.

Today it is necessary to pay attention to the glorious sentences that we can find in “Light on the Path.” They can be summarized in the recollection of a "Cry from Afar," a cry that is the voice of the Solar Angel tearing the ethers of our inner space in order to reach our ears. Hence, the only system of conscious approach to our Solar Angel, our first and only teacher, is by keeping an attentive ear to our inner hearing, by cultivating many silent periods. This quiet attentiveness should be constantly and persistently oriented inwards, towards the center of consciousness emanating from the life stream of the heart, entering our mind and, from there, ascending upward to climb the highest summits within us, erasing with its trail of light the memory of past mistakes, of all unfulfilled desires and all miasmas of human passion.

Although silence is the easiest and most accessible way open to modern aspirants, it is very difficult to achieve, despite its apparent simplicity. In our time, the words of Christ take on a special relevance: “Unless you become as children, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” This sentence, which can be found in the Gospels, has its origin in the sacred texts of the White Lodge or the Book of the Initiates. The great ones, Christ and John, and before them Krishna and Arjuna, had access to this veiled information. They all represent recurring symbols of Master and disciple, Solar Angel and human soul.

These last words sum up everything that has been said in this chapter. There are no specific rules, disciplines, or special systems of contact, but rather a constant challenge for us all, as aspirants in the New Age. We must affirm the spiritual principles latent within us –which are the result of our experiences through the ages-- with profound simplicity, with very few words, with fewer and fewer thoughts, with our hearts increasingly open to the infinite and magical emanations of true silence. This utter simplicity will open the doors of the intuition within us. Up until now, these doors have always been jealously guarded by the Mysterious Guardian of the Threshold, but the imperative call of the Angel of the Presence cannot remain unheard any longer.

If you have read carefully all that has been said in this chapter, having felt in your heart the infinite weight of the mystery and the unfathomable sweetness of its greatness, sharpen your senses and try to live more simply, deeply loving your inner silence and trying to live in harmony with all around you. Thus, the major Mystery, the one that is beyond ourselves and beyond words, will also be reachable, allowing you to live in a more spiritual and harmonious way at this dawning Age of Aquarius, already revealing so much good, despite the superficial disorder of the apparent and the insatiable thirst for the immediate things. Be reliable and truthful, constant and sincere in your relationships, but love the Mystery dearly, carried away in the breath of the unknown….Tread fearlessly the virginal paths stretching within yourself, as only you can fully know and enjoy these paths in all their infinite delight and immaculate nobility.


13 March 2011


A Solar Angel, a painting by Josep Gumi i Cardona.
[Front cover of another of VBA's books: My Spiritual Experiences]


[JB]  In this chapter, VBA pens one of the most beautiful expressions ever written about the mission of the Solar Angels. Quoting from the Old commentary, VBA refers to the spiritual magnetic power emanating constantly from our Solar Angel, the liberated soul whose mission it is

 “to embrace us with a mantle of love and sacrifice."

VBA further states that "the Solar Angel’s serene vision and infinite love is closer than ever, "embracing us with a mantle of love and sacrifice." This last phrase is written with fire in the sacred books of the White Lodge, and we often repeat it to emphasize the mission of the Solar Angel in relation to our evolving soul. No other phrase could express as clearly and simply the mission that the Solar Angels chose to undertake with regard to the human soul. Repeating this phrase becomes an uplifting mantra that can bring us somewhat closer to the unfading glory of the One who is our first and only Master as far as our conscious relationship with the Cosmos is concerned. "

After pondering on VBA's admonition about the profound silence and the pure motive needed to approach the one and only first Master of our lives, I can find no better way to end this brief commentary than by quoting his last paragraph:

"If you have read carefully all that has been said in this chapter, having felt in your heart the infinite weight of the mystery and the unfathomable sweetness of its greatness, sharpen your senses and try to live more simply, deeply loving your inner silence and trying to live in harmony with all around you. Thus, the major Mystery, the one that is beyond ourselves and beyond words, will also be reachable, allowing you to live in a more spiritual and harmonious way at this dawning Age of Aquarius, already revealing so much good, despite the superficial disorder of the apparent and the insatiable thirst for the immediate things. Be reliable and truthful, constant and sincere in your relationships, but love the Mystery dearly, carried away in the breath of the unknown….Tread fearlessly the virginal paths stretching within yourself, as only you can fully know and enjoy these paths in all their infinite delight and immaculate nobility."  



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